Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I wonder...

As Autum falls upon us once again without our sweet Markelle, I have many questions running through my head...  things I wonder about Markelle and who'd she be today..

Would you still walk on your toes?
Would there still be a baby doll in your backpack or maybe on your bed?
Would you have the "Bieber fever" or be crushing on Freddy Benson?
Would you be a babysitter?
What would be your food of choice?
What would you be for Halloween?  Would you still dress up?
Would you be watching "iCarly", or "My life as Liz"?
Would you be as excited as I am for the return of "Gray's Anatomy"?

Would you love 8th grade as much as 3rd grade?
What classes would you choose to take?
Would you have long hair or short?
How many sentimental pieces of jewelry would you be wearing?
Who's pictures would be in your wallet?
Would you really use a cell phone?
Would you still secretly love the Disney Princesses?
Would you be disappointed in Jon and Kate?
Would you know all 19 names?
Would you love to dance?
Would you want to see the " Nanny McPhee Returns"?
Would you be my Facebook friend?
How would you choose to help others?

Not a day goes by that I don't think about Markelle.    But I know these questions are really about me..  I'm not as much sad that she is missing out on these things as I am sad that I'm missing out on watching her experience these things. I know she's in such a wonderful place that none of these worldly things matter much.  I just wonder sometimes...

~ Allie